2023 European
Handgun Championship
Corinth, Greece
September 24-30, 2023
Match News and Important Announcements
The FINAL Results of the 2023 European Handgun Championship are now available (PDF):EHC 2023 CATEGORY FINAL RESULTSEHC 2023 OVERALL FINAL RESULTSEHC 2023 TEAMS FINAL RESULTSEHC 2023 - MATCH DISQUALIFICATIONS
Shoot Off Schedule
Match Officials List Published
Find the entire Match Officials list - click HERE
Tomorrow (Sept. 24th) Registration and Gun Check - From 10:00a - 12:00p.
Awards Ceremony Details
Awards Ceremony - September 30, 2023 Location: Marine Operations of Canal Corinth Google Coordinates: 37°54'56.7"N 23°00'31.2"E Ceremony Starts At 18:30
IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT: Opening Ceremony Details
The 2023 European Handgun Championship's Opening Ceremony will be held on September 24th. Parking area for opening ceremony:https://goo.gl/maps/HP2hQpVFc2cK8Xz7Aor37°56'24.3"N 22°56'20.4"E37.940083, 22.939000 Parade start...
Stages Now Available for Downloading
Official Stages CLICK HERE to Download Official Stages
Squadding Lists Now Available
Squadding ListsLast Update: September 1, 2023Pre-Match List – Click HEREMain Match List – Click HERE
PRE and MAIN Match Schedules Now Available
📆 PRE-MATCH Shooting Schedule – Click HERE (Last Update: August 23) 📆 MAIN MATCH Shooting Schedule – Click HERE (Last Update: August 23)
URGENT: Match Ammo MUST be ordered and paid by August 30th
In order to guarantee delivery, official Match Ammo MUST be ordered and paid by August 30th. To order the Official Match Ammo, click HERE IMPORTANT: hollow point bullets are NOT allowed in Greece.
The European Handgun Championship is Back!
Dear IPSC Athletes:
It’s a great honor for me to invite you to the 2023 European Handgun Championship in Corinth, Greece.
The organizing team would like to ensure you that we will prepare a great match under IPSC rules and principles.
Our country and the host city of Corinth are working to make your stay a wonderful experience and ensure you have a great match.
We are looking forward to welcome you.
Ioannis Kelaidakis
Match Director
Schedule of Events
Pre-Match: Sept. 18-22
Opening Ceremony: Sept. 24
Main Match: Sept. 25-29
Shoot-Off: Sept. 30
Awards Ceremony: Sept. 30
Range Location
The match will be held at the Corinth Shooting Range,
80 km. from Athens.
Tourism Corinth
Greece is here to welcome all visitors with many attractions, great food and wonderful people!
Before contacting Match Organizers, please check this page for more info.
News and Updates
Stay Informed with Everything That Is Happening in EHC.
Corinth has many accomodations and specials rates for competitors – click HERE to check them out!
Permits and Ammo
Information on Fireams and Ammo Imports to Greece: Click HERE
Match Registration
To shoot this match, please Contact your Regional Director HERE.
Stay Tuned! Coming Soon Squadding for Pre and Main Match will be announced – check with your Regional Director for more details.
MISIA Seminars
Click HERE to Register to the MISIA Seminars.

Welcome to Ancient Corinth
From ancient Greece until today, Corinth has always been unique. From its beautiful beaches to its mythical and beautiful mountains. From the ancient routes to the steps of St. Paul, something always made Corinth special.
A city that you love once and you love it forever.
Corinth is so close to you, waiting for you to explore and enjoy it.
Range Information
The Corinth Shooting Rage is located 80 km from Athens.
Competitors and attendees will have the opportunity to book and arrange day trips to Athens using the multiple tourism services available.
IPSC Level IV Matches are the highest level of IPSC Continental competitions and competitors must be active IPSC members of their respective Regions, in good standing and approved by their Regional Directors
If you wish to attend and compete on this match, you can contact your Regional Director with the option below
I would like to shoot the match. Can you give me a slot?
Since this is a Level IV match, you must apply for a slot directly with your Regional Director.
I am a Regional Director but I cannot shoot the Pre-Match. Can I transfer my slot to another party from my Region?
No. The Regional Director’s slot is not transferable. It can only be used by the Regional Director or by his official delegate representing him at the IPSC Assembly when the Regional Director is personally unable to attend.
My friends and I are sponsored by a company. Can we register a team under their name?
No. At Level IV and higher IPSC competitions, teams can only be registered under the name of the Region. However, subject to the approval of your Regional Director, you might be permitted to wear shirts or logos supplied by your sponsor.
I want to shoot with my friend from another region. How can I arrange this?
His or Her Regional Director and yours must both submit a written request to the Match Organizers.
My friends and I would like to form a team. Who should I contact?
Team requests are only accepted from Regional Directors. Note that each Region can only field one team in each Division and Division/Category listed in Appendix A1 of the rulebooks.
Where can I obtain information about being a Match Sponsor?
Please send an email to [email protected]
Get in touch, we are here to help! Please email Match Organizers to [email protected]